Thursday, January 15, 2009

I've Been Tagged

I might was well use this blog for something, so I'll respond to a tag received by my friend Dan User.

8 TV Shows I Watch

Since I can't name 8 shows that I currently watch, I'll name shows that I have remotely followed within the past five years in no particular order. That's somewhat strange for me to say, since I feel like I've watched tons of TV growing up.

  1. The Office
  2. Arrested Development - this show is too hard to follow on TV (especially now that it's canceled), so we've experienced it through DVD. We made it through the first two seasons, the boys came, and now we've inched partially through the last season at a 2 episode a year pace.
  3. Hannah Montana - the strength of a Disney sitcom lies in the strength of its supporting cast.
  4. The Wizards of Waverly Place - essentially Hannah Montana except that the star's secret isn't music stardom, it's wizardry. Another strong supporting cast.
  5. The O'Reilly Factor
  6. WWE Raw - I can't remember the last full episode I watched; I catch fragments of the show every now and then. I mainly keep up with the happenings of the wrestling industry via the IWC (that's the Intenet Wrestling Community for you non-marks out there).
  7. Everybody Loves Raymond - back before the boys arrived, Katie and I enjoyed many a'evening watching this show while enjoying a good take-out meal from Primo Family Restaurant.
  8. Corner Gas - I catch episodes when I go visit my parents. It's pretty good for a Canadian show.

8 Favorite Restaurants

  1. Old Country Buffet - more affectionately referred to as "Old Country" or sometimes "OCB." I tend to use the latter as a verb, as in "Katie, do you want to OCB tonight?"
  2. Ill Me Buffet - it's much better than the name implies. Korean food. Caleb puts it best: "Want Gogi?"
  3. Roy Rogers - the Fixins Bar is like a mini buffet. Buffet!
  4. Chipotle - I may alternate between chicken and barbacoa, and I'll vary my salsas on occasion, but I always get fajita veggies...always.
  5. Chick-Fil-A - so delicious we've braved 95 South to Woodbridge on a Saturday just for a chicken sandwich.
  6. Panera - it may be overpriced and pretentious, but I can get Wi-Fi and free coffee refills, so, that's enough to warrant it spot number 6 on my list.
  7. Taco Bell - this wouldn't have made my list a couple years ago, but when I took a grad school class in Falls Church, I frequented the nearby TB and rekindled my passion thanks to the value menu featuring the Cheesy Double Beef Burrito and the Big Taste Taco.
  8. Subway - almost as tasty as McDonalds but sans the guilt and fat calories.

Things That Happened To Me or That I Did Today

  1. Woke up in the boys' bed, moved to the couch to wait for our next door neighbor's daughter to come over (I watch her until the school bus comes), and fell back asleep when she never arrived.
  2. Woke up on the couch and brewed some sweet, sweet coffee.
  3. Read a couple chapters of Nehemiah during a light breakfast.
  4. Drove an excellent commute to work while listening to the latest episode of the 1 Year Daily Audio Bible podcast.
  5. Did a little work. That's an accurate statement, sadly.
  6. Achieved "inbox zero" in GMail and Google Reader (which isn't a huge deal since I do that pretty much every day).
  7. Went to Old Country for dinner.
  8. Stayed up too late filling out this list.

8 Things That I'm Looking Forward To

  1. Baby Moses
  2. Plentiful sources of revenue for my company
  3. Sleeping in tomorrow morning and eating a home-cooked breakfast with the family
  4. Driving the trusty Prizm for another 100K+ miles
  5. Being able to teach the boys math
  6. Starting our own business
  7. Owning our own home
  8. The next visit to Old Country

8 Things I Wish For

  1. A better prayer life
  2. Godly children
  3. A more Godly nation
  4. A better of understanding of how, when, and where to invest money
  5. Growth for our church
  6. Success for our company
  7. Wisdom
  8. Motivation to better my guitar playing and programming skills
  9. Better blood circulation in my hands

8 People I Tag To Do This Too!

Eight whole people? Gorsh...

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