Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It Hurts to Save

Maybe my and Katie's frugality coupled with our fiscal responsibility isn't a good fit for this country right now. The Federal Reserve cut the prime interest rate yesterday after slowly inching it up over the past year or so. Not surprisingly, oil and the Euro are at all-time US Dollar highs, and gold has shot up as well. Heck, at the Wendy's drive through the other day, a Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe set me back a buck nineteen. A dollar's not what it used to be. So why am I saving USD again? Maybe I should convert my dollars to something else before things get even more out of hand.


Katie said...

It makes me so angry that our government is discouraging personal responsibility all across the board. You took on a mortgage that you can't afford? That's ok, the government will bail you out. You're living paycheck to paycheck because you "need" Starbucks and pricey salon haircuts? That's ok, we don't want you to save your money anyway. Grrrrrr!!!

Katie said...

P.S. Maybe we should start learning German now so that we'll be ready to move to Switzerland come January 2009, just in case... it is my fatherland, after all!

M said...

if you guys move to switzerland, I'm coming too

@binarybrewery said...

So I already bought a house in Switzerland big enough for all of us. Come on over.

Seriously though, it's kind of pathetic that nothing is being done to salvage the US Economy or any discretion being given from the government (I'm not blaming Bush here, but rather all of government). If the government came out and started telling folks, "We're going through rough times, but we're going to get through it together and here's how we're going to do it." I think that might stimulate some sense of personal responsibility, but alas, our cultural and society has gone to the mindset of entitlement... thank you welfare baby boomers...